The trip didn’t start off as expected. The day before we left on Friday August 8th, everything that could of went wrong did.

The plan was to take the motorcycle on its first long voyage. After the service we realized the clutch cable needed to be replaced. BMW said a cable needed to be ordered from Germany as the S1000R was too new to have one in stock. Between the two of us, we agreed to take the car for safety.

An early start on Saturday around 6am got us across the border smoothly. Beautiful scenery, fast paced highway i90. Six hours later, $35 in fuel, we were in Spokane, WA.


We arrived in Spokane around 1pm. We couldn’t resist going into town. A quick stop at the Spokane Valley Mall to pick an AT&T sim card to avoid costly roaming charges ($60) and then off to downtown. We stopped off at the Spokane Waterfalls to take some pictures; pictures of the waterfalls and the Clock tower. Spokane felt like a ghost town. Our own little personal getaway as the streets seemed empty.

The hot day left us craving icecream. Thankfully, there was a Ben & Jerry’s scoop shop nearby. Nothing like Hot fudge core sundaes. Jenina was in a photo heaven!

On our return to our Hotel, we stopped off at the Gas Station for some brewskies. Nice Ice cold beer on lawn chairs in front of the hotel.

A great way to end the day.

The following morning we were up and off at 8am to Bozeman, MT.

We made it to Butte, MT before needing fuel. $34 to fill, and off on the highway again. Only a short distance later, our bellies were rumbling as we skipped breakfast. About 20mins past Butte, we stopped at Arby’s for some sandwiches.


Arriving in Bozeman, Montana around 4pm with a time difference of +1 hour.

A walk down Main St, we saw many coffee shops and local pubs. One place caught our attention. The Garage soup shack and mesquite grill. A unique grill with car decor hidden in the smallest of details. Exhaust header lights, spark plug fences, lincse plate menus, just to name a few. The food was excellent!

Returning to the hotel, we stopped off for some Hard Ice Tea with Lemonade and sat in the back of the hotel. While sitting there, we shot a timelapse of the sunset. Stunning and great way to finish the day.

Please check back for our next update for after day 2!