Checkout at 7:30am from Motel 6 in Bozeman, Montana after a good night sleep.

We quickly realized we had not eaten dinner the night before, so it only seemed right to get something to start the day right. The clerk behind the till gave us directions to a hole in the wall that she didn’t know the name of for coffee and pastries. It was only a few minutes down the road on Main St, called “Rockford Coffee House”.


Jenina ordered a latte and a vege breakfast panini. Robert ordered a mocha and a Pepper bacon jack scone. The panini was excellent. Nicely grilled with flavors of onion and peppers bursting with every bite. The scone was a little let down. Served cold, dry cumbly, and not very flavorful. Never the less, it was fuel for our 7 and a 1/2 hour drive to Rapid City, South Dakota.

As we hit the road, we could feel the cool air hitting us. But it wasn’t long before temperatures started climbing into the mid 30’s (celsius).

We pulled into a gas station that would be memorable for both of us, and not for the best. It was the city of Little Bighorn; a gas station on an indian reserve; a place that would give anyone the creeps. The place looked decent from the outside, but one step inside, you’ll realize the dump this place really was. A 7 foot, 350 lb native man with long braids towers over the till, as if the actor from One flies over the coo coo nest. Other small details, made this place the last place a white looking native, and an asian girl should be. The looks alone from the other natives in the building made it uneasy and more reason to get out as quick as possible. We didn’t even buy drinks, even tho we were both thirsty. It wasn’t until Belle Fourche that we stopped for some Ice Tea. (approx 6 hours since our departure from Bozeman)

From Belle Fourche to Rapid City, Jenina drove. Passed so many signs for the 74th annual Black Hills rally in Sturgis. We could only imagine all the bands that were attending to play for the event. (Motley Crue, Train, Alice Cooper, just to name a few). We both agreed we’d have to do this again, just to see Sturgis.

We arrived at our hotel in Rapid City approx 3:30 pm. Didn’t take long to pick our spot of travel for our first evening. It was the Black Hills Caverns!

A 20 minute drive up a nice windy road, reminding Robert how much a motorcycle would have been enjoyable, before reaching the summit. A small decline another twisty road past some beautiful houses, we ended up at the entrance of the attraction. A fee of $14 each, a 2 minute wait, and we were off to the opening of the cavern.




As we entered the cavern, Robert hit his head on the top of the cave. Low clearances, and narrow passages, and slippery ground, were just some of the challenges. These were quickly forgotten by breath taking views of crystals and growths inside the cave! The cameras kept clicking, and the GoPro kept rolling. Words and pictures will never fully explain how awesome this cavern really was. Many reviews online, lead us to believe another cave called Jewel Cave might be our next visit.

On our way back, we spotted this stunning park, Canyon Lake Park. We stopped off to take in the views, and snap some more pic!



Still by this point, we have not eaten since early morning. Jenina has never tried Applebees, so it only made sense. Robert had a Cowboy burger and fries, while Jenina had a Margarita Queso chicken and shrimp. We finished our meals, and finished up with Salted Caramel pretzels with a maple dipping sauce, and a brownie bite a la mode.


Another long fun filled day.

Wait up for Day4! (days 4,5,6 will be in Rapid City, and a possible Harley Davidson rental for tomorrow!)