One small step for man. One giant leap for Jenina + Robert.

Showing: 1 - 10 of 14 RESULTS
Food Random JAR

Supper Soiree (Dine Out Vancouver 2017)

The Secret Supper is held by Swallow Tail culinary adventures in Vancouver. On February 4th, we tried our  first secret supper which was mostly in East Van followed by a main course in Vancouver. We started the night by meeting at Central station near Science World where an old Trolley style bus would be our …

Random JAR Vancity

My Guide to Vancouver

Here it is in short, will add more later. Not all the places are in Vancouver for say, but great for someone who is visiting Vancouver. Best Hidden Hole in the Wall – Northern Cafe (eggs benny or the tuna melt / hand cut fries, also good Chinese food aparently),-123.0630292,14z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xd707375c4a088427!8m2!3d49.208924!4d-123.0729836?hl=en Best Coffee Platform 7 …

Steel Toad - Beer flight or beer caddy?

Vancity Walking Beer Tour – Part 2

Alright, we’re writing this backwards. Today marks part two of our beer tour. Our previous walking tour which turned out to be an awesome success can be found in our Part 1 of the Vancity Walking Beer Tour! Interested in your own walking tour? Check out this: Breweries Walking Tour (a PDF with Open/Close times!) …


Leavenworth, WA – das Ende

Sunday came as quickly as Friday started! Alarm sounded at 10 minutes to 08:00am, giving us very little time to get ready and out the door. We ran down the stairs, gave our apologies to our host, and jumped on the motorcycle. Riding in light rain, we made it to the Enzian Inn just minutes …


Leavenworth, WA – Samstag!

After a good night’s rest and a rush to get the day started, we found ourselves at the B&B breakfast enjoying a feast fit for a king! John, the owner/operator started us with coffee and torched grapefruit. The caramelized topping was like a crème brule but better! It was large enough to be a meal …


Leavenworth, WA – Friyay!

Every year Leavenworth, Washington celebrates Maifest. A German tradition dating back to the 10th century, when villagers would gather to celebrate the arrival of spring by planting flowers, playing music and games, and raising a “maipole” in the local square. The pole would be decorated with sausages, cakes, flowers, and ribbons, and villagers believed that …

Random JAR Travel

Pender Island Epilogue

The final chapter of Jenina’s birthday getaway has approached. It’s Sunday, March 13th, 2016 at 10:15am and we’ve got to check out by 11am. Pack, pack, pack, and even Nikyla doesn’t want to leave. We’ve had an excellent time at the Woods on Pender. Our ferry reservation is not until 7pm, so we’ve decided to …

Random JAR Travel

Exploring Pender Island

After waking up around 10am with a dry mouth because we failed to buy water in town the night before, we headed down to the main lodge for breakfast. The meals were well prepared and tasted amazing! When we finished eating, one of the staff members recognized us from the Instagram post the night before …

Random JAR Travel

Woods on Pender

This year, Jenina wanted to do something different for her birthday. Good bye 20’s and Hello 30’s! So here we are on Pender Island, tucked away within the Southern Gulf Islands of British Columbia, Canada. Woods on Pender, a country feeling cabin and lodge retreat nestled in a forest of lush greens. Hot tub, kitchenette, …