One small step for man. One giant leap for Jenina + Robert.

Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS

2016 Road Trip on a Whim – Penticton, BC

4 Hours later, and here we are arriving just in time for our last minute 3:30pm appointment at Subaru to get the 1000 kilometer service. Not bad, $100 and we are comfortable knowing the vehicle looks to be in great condition still…lol. As we were driving to the dealership, we pass the Information center and …

Twin Kisses!
Random JAR Travel

Day 12: West Edmonton Mall

Going back to that gigantic mall today to spend time at the World Waterpark. And maybe ride the Mindbender again. The long walks are surely to work us an appetite. What better way to start our day by heading to Cora. Isn’t it appetizing? Heaping portions of fruit to go with your breakfast Jenina got …

Random JAR Travel

Day 11: Tofield to Edmonton

Ever gone backwards on a rollercoaster? Neither have we. And we decided to do it. Jenina’s knees felt weak after the ride. Robert was just sweating on his back. If you have time to watch the video {link}, pardon Robert’s swearing at it was just really disorienting, but thrilling. If you get a chance to …