One small step for man. One giant leap for Jenina + Robert.

Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS
Random JAR Vancity

My Guide to Vancouver

Here it is in short, will add more later. Not all the places are in Vancouver for say, but great for someone who is visiting Vancouver. Best Hidden Hole in the Wall – Northern Cafe (eggs benny or the tuna melt / hand cut fries, also good Chinese food aparently),-123.0630292,14z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xd707375c4a088427!8m2!3d49.208924!4d-123.0729836?hl=en Best Coffee Platform 7 …


Naramata Wine Tour, Penticton

June 21, Our alarms sounded nice and early. Started the day by walking to the Bellevue Cafe from the HI-Penticton Hostel. They had an excellent breakfast selection and some of the best coffee we’ve had in a long time. We knew we chose well, as locals came and left with their morning cup of joe. …


2016 Road Trip on a Whim – Penticton, BC

4 Hours later, and here we are arriving just in time for our last minute 3:30pm appointment at Subaru to get the 1000 kilometer service. Not bad, $100 and we are comfortable knowing the vehicle looks to be in great condition still…lol. As we were driving to the dealership, we pass the Information center and …

Steel Toad - Beer flight or beer caddy?

Vancity Walking Beer Tour – Part 2

Alright, we’re writing this backwards. Today marks part two of our beer tour. Our previous walking tour which turned out to be an awesome success can be found in our Part 1 of the Vancity Walking Beer Tour! Interested in your own walking tour? Check out this: Breweries Walking Tour (a PDF with Open/Close times!) …


Leavenworth, WA – das Ende

Sunday came as quickly as Friday started! Alarm sounded at 10 minutes to 08:00am, giving us very little time to get ready and out the door. We ran down the stairs, gave our apologies to our host, and jumped on the motorcycle. Riding in light rain, we made it to the Enzian Inn just minutes …


Vancity Walking Beer Tour – Part 1

It’s not everyday you can get a group of friends together, plan an elaborate walking path in which you can hit multiple breweries and still stay within their open and close times! A great deal of time and effort payed off. Here is a PDF outlining some of the planned areas and times — URBAN BEER …