One small step for man. One giant leap for Jenina + Robert.

Showing: 1 - 10 of 13 RESULTS

Naramata Wine Tour, Penticton

June 21, Our alarms sounded nice and early. Started the day by walking to the Bellevue Cafe from the HI-Penticton Hostel. They had an excellent breakfast selection and some of the best coffee we’ve had in a long time. We knew we chose well, as locals came and left with their morning cup of joe. …


2016 Road Trip on a Whim – Penticton, BC

4 Hours later, and here we are arriving just in time for our last minute 3:30pm appointment at Subaru to get the 1000 kilometer service. Not bad, $100 and we are comfortable knowing the vehicle looks to be in great condition still…lol. As we were driving to the dealership, we pass the Information center and …


2016 Road Trip on a Whim – Ainsworth, BC

Let’s just say our day isn’t going well. We woke up early on Saturday June 18th, rented an EVO rideshare, and made our way to the YVR airport with the expectations of going to Puerto Vallarta. Only to be let down when we found out that one of our passports had expired. After numerous phone …


Leavenworth, WA – Friyay!

Every year Leavenworth, Washington celebrates Maifest. A German tradition dating back to the 10th century, when villagers would gather to celebrate the arrival of spring by planting flowers, playing music and games, and raising a “maipole” in the local square. The pole would be decorated with sausages, cakes, flowers, and ribbons, and villagers believed that …

Random JAR Travel

Day 11: Tofield to Edmonton

Ever gone backwards on a rollercoaster? Neither have we. And we decided to do it. Jenina’s knees felt weak after the ride. Robert was just sweating on his back. If you have time to watch the video {link}, pardon Robert’s swearing at it was just really disorienting, but thrilling. If you get a chance to …

Random JAR Travel

Day 10: Calgary, Edmonton

The sound of the clock echoing through the busy streets of Downtown Calgary was relaxing to hear amongst the hustle and bustle of The stroll around Downtown Calgary reminded us of NYC. Graffiti and art works along the streets, coffee shops and inviting restaurant patios along the busy streets

Random JAR Travel

Day 7: Yellowstone National Park

    The smell of an empty pizza box from Domino’s and empty beer bottles greeted us in the early morning of Sheridan. That didn’t stop us for getting ready nice and early to head for our most anticipated part of the trip, Yellow Stone National Park. The 5 hour drive, 425 km, and we’d …