One small step for man. One giant leap for Jenina + Robert.

Showing: 11 - 13 of 13 RESULTS
Random JAR Travel

Day 6: Devils Tower

It was the day to pack our bags to head out to Devils Tower. Jenina + Robert left at 8AM and drove to Sturgis Coffee Company for that much needed caffeine dose after a long, tiring day yesterday and the lack of sleep from doing laundry late night. It was a cloudy morning with the …

Random JAR Travel

Day 5: Bada$s in the Badlands National Park

Started off the day with the aroma of freshly grounded coffee at Dunn Bros Coffee at around 8:45AM. Jenina and Robert had a long day ahead of them and made sure they had the energy to explore the Badlands National Park. The caffeine and sugar fix would do the trick. Before heading straight to Badlands, …

Random JAR Travel

Day 1: Vancouver, BC to Rapid City, SD

The trip didn’t start off as expected. The day before we left on Friday August 8th, everything that could of went wrong did. The plan was to take the motorcycle on its first long voyage. After the service we realized the clutch cable needed to be replaced. BMW said a cable needed to be ordered …